When you don’t want to think too much about accessorizing, a great statement necklace is a super option. I recently attending the Lucky Magazine conference, LuckyFABB, and got a great goodie bag full of fashion and beauty products! I immediately fell in love with this necklace from Prima Donna. I finally wore it for the first time today and I just love it! It’s not heavy like I thought it would be. I didn’t even think about it as I was out and about this morning.
As I arrived home I went to the Prima Donna site to find out how much this baby might set a girl back…it’s only $24.99! It’s called the Zahara Stone Burst strand blue/green. It’s a minty green and a deep blue, with some pink, taupe and clear gems. Yes I got mine for free (well sorta, I had to pay for my goodie bag), but I wasn’t asked to review it or anything. Of course I am because I love it and the price range on www.shopprimadonna.com so obviously I have to tell my girls!