As usual, I did just fine on my shopping excursion at the Girls’ Wearhouse. I was a good girl and only bought a few things…this time.
Pictured is this fitted tee in the most fantastic turquoise blue color. My friend, Laura, of Vintage Moon Creations, carries this fab shirt for just $36. She said it matched my eyes so I melted like putty in her hands and bought it. It’s worth it to have a well fitted, comfortable top that looks great on me. And maybe you if you hurry before she sells the last few left!
I also stumbled across some fabulous lip stick. My best friend hasn’t sold Mary Kay for a while, so I’m out of the loop on that. But last night there was a great MK gal named Tracy who let me in on the most exclusive little lip stick secret. Exclusive because the product was a limited edition item and she’s nearly sold out. It’s the Matte Lip Color Stick and the color stays on for a really long time!
I was telling her how I have a ridiculous amount of lip sticks, and that none of them stay on long for me. She pulled out this beautiful Berry Silk color and I was hooked. The lip color stick is a fat looking lip liner. It works for lining and filling. A two-in one! I top coated it with my clear lip plumper. The color stayed on for hours while I talked, sipped some liquid pleasures and snacked. I bought two since they can’t be ordered any more. Email Tracy if you want to try it out.
Happy Friday, Fashionistas!