The only thing I truly despise about summer is the swimsuit. No matter what your size or make up, it seems swimsuit shopping is the one thing that can easily reduce a girl to tears. Myself included. So my quest for figure flattering outfits this week must include the itty bitty polka dot bikini. Or some version of it.
First, I start with the cover up. If I can’t find the right suit for my shape, I can always look hot in this flirty zebra-print tunic cover at Was $102, now $69.99.
I know some of you will look stunning in this swirly design and belted hipster. Macys top $64, bottom $52. I like that it has a higher cut hip which is so much more slimming than the boy-short look.
I’m one of the lucky one’s with a few beautiful kids and a scared stomach to treasure as a keepsake, so I can’t wear all these lovely bikini’s. I’m going to try this tankini (hopefully today if I can convince the kids that shopping would be a fun way to spend the morning). I love the original look of this beatnik pattern by Lucky Brand, also at Macy’s. Top $64, bottom, $44.
A little more on the busty side? This suit is made for the large bossom gal. Solid black swimsuit features a surplice rouched bodice for tummy control and a hidden underwire bra for bust support. Sizes 10-16 with D-DD cup. Miraclesuit® swimwear Dillards $136.
Dillards also has a huge selection of very cute Bermuda shorts. Looks like we’re heading to the mall kids. Yes…I said the mall. I avoid it as much as possible and support my Haute Market designers when I can…but today has to be an exception because the kids are driving me to the brink of insanity with the hourly requests to go swim at the pool. Wish me luck and please post here or email us with your fab swim suit finds!
Don’t forget to buy your Haute Market shopping party tickets today!